Calling all alumni, retired teachers, and friends of Our Lady of Fatima School: Our Lady of Fatima is in the process of putting together a slideshow showcasing the history of our fabulous school. We would love for you to share your pictures of your favorite school memories. Please submit all photos by April 26th, 2024. Click to learn more
Spiritual Bouquet Cards for our Mother’s Day Masses have been placed in the pews, and are also available in the Parish Office. Remove the inner card so you can give it to the person you are honoring. Please fill out the outer envelope and put it in the collection basket, or you may bring it to the Parish Office. The funds received will be used to purchase supplies needed for Masses. Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 12th.
The May Crowning of Mary will take place at a special Our Lady of Fatima School Mass at 8:15 AM on Friday, May 3, 2024. That day has been designated as a “Day of Legacy” for our parish school which will be closing at the end of the current school year. Alumni and former teachers of the school are invited to attend the Mass and participate in the May Crowning of Mary followed by tours of the school and a reception in Fatima-Gallagher Hall until 11:00 AM.